Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Advanced BioEnzymes


Enzymes facilitate more than 10,000 biochemical reactions and em­power each cell in every tissue, gland, and organ of the body to func­tion. Enzymes are responsible for the oxidation process of the body. 

They are a major factor in such processes as growth, metabolism, digestion, and cellular reproduction. Enzymes cannot withstand cooking, boiling, roasting, pasteurizing, or any heat. Heat destroys 100% of them. 

In order to digest food properly, there must be a suffi­cient quantity of enzymes. Even though your body produces its own metabolic enzymes, research has shown that there is a limited quantity available in the body. As they are used up as we get older, the digestive process begins to suffer.

This is why we recommend these pure, raw, plant-derived enzymes as supplements to a well-balanced nutritional program. 

Dr. Howell, a leading researcher on enzymes, says that one's life is immensely proportional to the rate of enzyme potential of an organism. Increased use of food enzymes result in a longer,.healthier, and more vital life. 

Dr. Howell's and others' research findings have concluded that decreasing enzyme activity in the body is directly related to the increase of disease and chronic degenerative conditions so prevalent in our society today. 

These natural, raw, plant-derived enzymes in Advanced BioEnzymes begin digestion immediately and allow digestion to take place in the stomach and work throughout the digestive system. Without sufficient enzymes, the nutrients you eat cannot be completely released into the body cells.

Advanced BioEnzymes provide support for:
Acid Reflux, Arthritis, Diabetes, Hypertension and Circulation, Indigestion, Malnutrition, Prostate Problems, Weight Loss 

Ingredients: Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Papain, Bromelaini In a base of barley grass, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, wheatgrass, alfalfa. 

Take one (1) capsule three (3) times daily as a dietary supplement, preferably with meals

ORDER Advanced BioEnzymes online today!

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