Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Honey Bee Pollen

bee pollen

Honey Bee Pollen is the most perfect food known to man. It contains all vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and co-enzymes. Honey Bee Pollen causes the human body to throw off poisons and wastes. The purifying abilities of pollen provide an excellent way to protect us against premature aging. It is also excellent to help correct metabolism errors and is a good natural method of weight control. 

Honey Bee Pollen has shown promising results in diminishing sensitivity to airborne pollen. Our pollen comes from high desert natural soil, no pesticides or insecticides. Collected from over 1,000 different plants, our pollen contains 34% amino acid protein. There is very little moisture in our pollen. Therefore, it can be processed at room temperature. 

We do not heat treat our pollen. It is cold processed. This is very important because heat will destroy the enzymes. You owe it to yourself to give your health extra protection by supplying your body with the essential nutrients found in Honey Bee Pollen.  

This product is all natural. Be sure to follow directions on label. 

Product Benefits

Has twenty-two (22) essential elements that your body needs, stabilizes faulty metabolism, aids in food digestion, great energy source, increases strength and stamina, improves unhealthy or aging skin, increases recovery power, lowers pulse rate. 

Support For:

Allergies, Arthritis, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Fibromyalgia, Gout, Hypertension & Circulation, Lack of Energy and Fatigue, Prostate Problems, Sexual Stamina, Weight Loss 

Recommended Use 1/8 tablet daily for four (4) days. Increase by 1/8 tablet daily every four (4) days until taking at least two to three (2-3) tablets daily. Take thirty to forty­five (30-45) minutes before meals

ORDER Honey Bee Pollen now!



Dr. Fujimoki of Tokyo discovered that Chlorella contained a factor rich in nucleic acid, and it was named Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). The capacity to promote growth is found in its ability to stimulate the healing process in the body and work against many diseases. 

Due to this factor, Chlorella is effective in beefing up the immune system to fight off various diseases. Digestion is improved. Bowel detoxifica­tion and bowel health are also in Chlorella's domain. Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other land or sea plant. Chlorella can speed up the rate of cleansing the bowel, bloodstream, and the liver by supplying plenty of chlorophyll.  

Chlorella has been shown to be useful in strengthening our immune system, accelerating the healing of wounds, injuries, and ulcers, helping to protect us from toxic pollutants, normalizing digestion and bowel function, stimulating growth and repair to tissue, retarding aging, and protecting us from radiation. 

Among its many properties:
=> Strengthens our immune system. A
=> Accelerates the healing of wounds, injuries and ulcers. 
=> Helps protect us from toxic pollutants. 
=> Protects us from radiation. 
=> Normalizes digestion and bowel function. 
=> Stimulates growth and repair to tissue. 
=> Retards the aging process.

Provides superior support for:
Arthritis, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension and Circulation, Lack of Energy and Fatigue, Weight Loss 

ORDER Chlorella today 

Advanced BioEnzymes


Enzymes facilitate more than 10,000 biochemical reactions and em­power each cell in every tissue, gland, and organ of the body to func­tion. Enzymes are responsible for the oxidation process of the body. 

They are a major factor in such processes as growth, metabolism, digestion, and cellular reproduction. Enzymes cannot withstand cooking, boiling, roasting, pasteurizing, or any heat. Heat destroys 100% of them. 

In order to digest food properly, there must be a suffi­cient quantity of enzymes. Even though your body produces its own metabolic enzymes, research has shown that there is a limited quantity available in the body. As they are used up as we get older, the digestive process begins to suffer.

This is why we recommend these pure, raw, plant-derived enzymes as supplements to a well-balanced nutritional program. 

Dr. Howell, a leading researcher on enzymes, says that one's life is immensely proportional to the rate of enzyme potential of an organism. Increased use of food enzymes result in a longer,.healthier, and more vital life. 

Dr. Howell's and others' research findings have concluded that decreasing enzyme activity in the body is directly related to the increase of disease and chronic degenerative conditions so prevalent in our society today. 

These natural, raw, plant-derived enzymes in Advanced BioEnzymes begin digestion immediately and allow digestion to take place in the stomach and work throughout the digestive system. Without sufficient enzymes, the nutrients you eat cannot be completely released into the body cells.

Advanced BioEnzymes provide support for:
Acid Reflux, Arthritis, Diabetes, Hypertension and Circulation, Indigestion, Malnutrition, Prostate Problems, Weight Loss 

Ingredients: Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Papain, Bromelaini In a base of barley grass, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, wheatgrass, alfalfa. 

Take one (1) capsule three (3) times daily as a dietary supplement, preferably with meals

ORDER Advanced BioEnzymes online today!

Advanced BioAnti-Oxidant

Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage--the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases.

ForYou's Advanced BioAnti-Oxidant--a very potent antioxidant!

=> 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E.

=> 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C.

=> Fights free radicals in the blood stream.

=> Strengthens blood vessel walls.

=> Stimulates collagen-rich connective tissue.

=> Helps body resist inflammation.

=> Helps maintain proper joint health.

Advanced BioAnti-Oxidant enhances Vitamin C's affect on the body. It also helps the body resist inflammation and blood vessel and skin damage caused by free radicals.

Great Support For:

Allergies, Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol,

Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Fibromyalgia, Gout,

Hypertension and Circulation, Pain, PMS and Menopausal

Symptoms, Prostate Problems, Sexual Stamina, and Weight Loss


Ingredients: 60 servings per bottle

Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grape Seed Extract, Bilberry,

Citrus Bioflavonoids Complex, Bromelain, Rutin,

Hesperidin Complex, and Lycopene

ORDER Advanced BioAnti-Oxidant online now!