Dr. Fujimoki of Tokyo discovered that Chlorella contained a factor rich in nucleic acid, and it was named Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). The capacity to promote growth is found in its ability to stimulate the healing process in the body and work against many diseases.
Due to this factor, Chlorella is effective in beefing up the immune system to fight off various diseases. Digestion is improved. Bowel detoxification and bowel health are also in Chlorella's domain. Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other land or sea plant. Chlorella can speed up the rate of cleansing the bowel, bloodstream, and the liver by supplying plenty of chlorophyll.
Chlorella has been shown to be useful in strengthening our immune system, accelerating the healing of wounds, injuries, and ulcers, helping to protect us from toxic pollutants, normalizing digestion and bowel function, stimulating growth and repair to tissue, retarding aging, and protecting us from radiation.
Among its many properties:
=> Strengthens our immune system. A
=> Accelerates the healing of wounds, injuries and ulcers.
=> Helps protect us from toxic pollutants.
=> Protects us from radiation.
=> Normalizes digestion and bowel function.
=> Stimulates growth and repair to tissue.
=> Retards the aging process.
Provides superior support for:
Arthritis, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Fibromyalgia, Hypertension and Circulation, Lack of Energy and Fatigue, Weight Loss
ORDER Chlorella today
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